Remontowa Shipbuilding SA, Danzig, Poland
Ship conversion and shipbuilding with the highest standards

The Remontowa shipyard in Gdansk is one of the leading shipyards for ship conversions in Europe. The company was founded in 1952 and carries out over 200 ship repairs and conversions annually. Following a convincing test, the shipyard now uses ABIMIG® A T LW torches from ABICOR BINZEL for all its welding work.

Broad portfolio, many welding jobs
Over 2000 employees convert ships at Remontowa or build new vessels. The shipyard's portfolio is broad and ranges from ferries to service vessels for offshore wind turbines, rescue vessels, container ships and tankers, through to research vessels. The company specialises in individual and customised productions, with the focus on supply vessels for drilling platforms.
The many different welding jobs in shipbuilding demand high standards from the over 200 welders. They have to make extremely varied welds in a wide range of positions – standing, kneeling, squatting. Naturally, the quality must be perfect at all times.
Increasing quality and reducing costs
The Remontowa shipyard used ABIMIG® T torches from ABICOR BINZEL for many years. In 2012, a test of the ABIMIG® A T LW torch convinced those responsible to switch to the new model immediately: the torch's light weight relieves the load on the welders noticeably, the ergonomics enable best welding results and the service life of the wearing parts is excellent.
The long service life of the wearing parts provides another convincing argument: because the wearing parts have to be replaced much less frequently, operating costs are reduced. In this way, Remontowa was able to optimise total costs in the area of welding technology.
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