Fume Extraction Torches

Fume Extraction Torch RAB GRIP
Ensures effective fume extraction directly at the arc without affecting the protective gas cover. Can be installed easily on all MIG/MAG workstations.

Fume Extraction Torch RAB GRIP HE 2
The high-efficiency version of this fume extraction torch is ideally suited for tough industrial use. Even for difficult working positions.

Fume Extraction Torch xFUME® PRO
This powerful fume extraction torch line combines efficiency with occupational health and safety. As easy to handle as if holding a standard MIG/MAG welding torch in your hand.

Fume Extraction Torch xFUME® COMPACT
A fume extraction torch that should be available in every process finishing and workshop. Be careful: It can quickly turn into your favourite tool.

Fume Extraction Torch xFUME® TIG
With these TIG fume extraction torches, even the invisible, highly harmful fumes don't stand a chance. Suitable for fume extraction units with extraction filter class W3.

Fume Extraction Torch xFUME®AUT
Highly efficient extraction at the source for your automatic welding systems. With this automatic fume extraction torch, you can also achieve the reliable extraction performance with guaranteed shielding gas coverage of the well-known xFUME® fume extraction series for your partial automation.

Fume extraction torch xFUME® ROBO
Improve health protection in your production hall where you weld with industrial robots. With these robot torches with integrated extraction at source, you can capture almost all of the fumes produced.