Lightweight MIG/MAG fume extraction torch xFUME® COMPACT
Welding thin sheets with fume extraction has never been that easy
Inconvenient extraction torches, which are also far too heavy and only allow a poor view of the welding process, are a thing of the past with the xFUME® COMPACT from ABICOR BINZEL. In thin sheet metal welding, such as the reworking of robot-manufactured components, process finishing or small repair and workshop tasks, health and safety at work are not neglected with this air cooled MIG/MAG fume extraction torch. Whoever has used this welding fume extraction torch once will never want to work with another one – it fits so well in the hand, the view of the seam to be welded is excellent and it absorbs the welding fumes efficiently with optimum shielding gas coverage.

The requirements for occupational safety have been increased since the beginning of 2020 with adapted regulations for welding fume extraction. With the air cooled extraction torch xFUME® COMPACT and a suitable mobile welding fume extraction unit from ABICOR BINZEL such as the xFUME® ADVANCED, the FES-200 W3 or the FEC W3, MIG welding and MAG welding of thin sheets with currents up to 250 amperes becomes a clean, safe and easy matter.
All information at a glance
- Extraction at the source with the xFUME® COMPACT
- Features of the xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch
- Technical data of the xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch
- Functionality of the xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch
- Extraction torch & extraction unit: holistic extraction system solution
- Blogs about welding fume extraction
- Videos about welding fume extraction
- Documentation
Extraction at the source with the xFUME® COMPACT
Occupational safety during welding must be just as important as good seam quality and a satisfying result for the customer. Good workplace conditions for welders therefore include lightweight, practical and reliably functioning welding torches as well as a fume extraction system that absorbs harmful welding fumes in the best possible way. Extraction at the source of welding fumes is the system expressly recommended by the German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (Gefahrenstoffverordnung – GefStoffV) in DIN EN ISO 15012-1 Annex I No. 2 – particulate hazardous substances – because this technology absorbs between 90 % and 99 % of the resulting fumes, depending on the torch position, and up to 99.95 % of all dust particles > 0.1 µm are filtered out of the welding fumes.
The fume extraction torch xFUME® COMPACT in combination with a mobile fume extraction unit such as the xFUME® ADVANCED, the FES-200 W3 or the FEC W3 from ABICOR BINZEL offers an ideal system solution for the extraction of welding fumes during air cooled MIG welding or MAG welding.
Extraction at the source works with high vacuum systems. With this technology a low volume flow at high negative pressure flows with high static pressure and high flow rate of the extracted fumes. The harmful welding fumes are collected with an extraction nozzle at the front end of the extraction torch and thus directly at the point of origin, guided into the mobile extraction unit, where they are collected and filtered. The cleaned air is released back into the environment.
Features of the xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch
Where thin sheets up to 250 amperes is welded and fume extraction at the source is required, the xFUME® COMPACT is simply the best choice. This fume extraction torch from ABICOR BINZEL is ideal for manual rework after a robot production line, light welding work in process finishing, minor repairs or welding work in the workshop.
Due to their design, extraction torches tend to be considered unhandy and heavy for welding fume extraction, but the xFUME® COMPACT surprises at first sight with its slim design. Once taken in hand and operated, this fume extraction torch will quickly become a favorite welding tool.

The advantages of the fume extraction torch xFUME® COMPACT at a glance:
- Highly efficient welding fume extraction up to 250 amperes
- Outstanding ergonomics and handling
- Slim front end
- Optionally with short or long trigger
- Very good shielding gas coverage
- Unique balance of torch neck to cable assembly
Functionality of the xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch
The xFUME® COMPACT fume extraction torch in combination with an extraction unit works with a high vacuum system. A low volume flow at high negative pressure extracts the fumes at the source, which are guided at high static pressure and high air speed through the extraction hose into the mobile fume extraction unit. The harmful particles are filtered out in the filter system of the extraction unit and the clean air is returned to the environment.
There is still a widespread concern that too much shielding gas is absorbed with a fume extraction torch. This cannot happen with a well coordinated system solution for fume extraction. And via the external air regulator in the handle, the extraction power can be adapted very well to the respective welding task.
Extraction torch & extraction unit: holistic extraction system solution
For workshops that carry out welding work up to 250 amperes, for welding rework in a manufacturing process as well as for small repair work, the xFUME® COMPACT is the ideal extraction torch for extraction at the source – and in combination with an efficient fume extraction unit it forms a holistic extraction system solution.
Welding fume extraction units that perfectly complement the xFUME® COMPACT from ABICOR BINZEL are:
The welding fume extraction units FES-200 W3 and FEC W3 even have a filter with separation class W3 – as the name of these extraction units already indicates. This means that these two fume extraction units are approved for welding high-alloy steels that contain an alloy content of more than 30 % nickel and chromium. When using these mobile extraction units with high-alloy steels, the filtered air may also be returned directly to the working environment.
Blogs about welding fume extraction
- The 11 most frequently asked questions about fume extraction
- 5 mistakes to avoid with a fume extraction torch
- What you should consider with welding fume filters
More information about extraction technology can be found in our »ABIBLOG«.
Explainer: xFUME® ADVANCED
xFUME® ADVANCED – Ideally suited for ABICOR BINZEL fume extraction torches
Explainer: xFUME® FLEX
More videos about welding fume extraction can be found on the ABICOR BINZEL YouTube channel.