Welding know-how that counts. For the perfect welding seam!
To get a weld result that fulfils the demands on quality, you need welding products made with extensive know-how and on-site experience. Products, that meet the safety and health regulations for welders – and also ensure the perfect welding seam, because in the end that is what counts.
With ABICOR BINZEL you have a reliable partner with a wide range of welding equipment, almost 75 years of knowledge and excellent specialists in welding. We support you in finding just the right manual torch, robotic torch, accessories and spare parts as well as welding chemicals. Do not hesitate to also contact us if you have questions on special welding applications, exposure to fume or quality guarantee.
Welding technology makes life better!
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e-books on main topics
Explore the most discussed topics in the welding industry - and look forward to answers to many questions that concern users as much as company owners. Proven methods, performance indicators and evaluation criteria provide detailed information. Researched, compiled and supplemented through many years of experience by the world's leading welding experts from ABICOR BINZEL.

Lightweight Torches
Only the right tools make the welder's
job easier and increase his passion for welding …
Download your free e-book now!

Welding Fume Extraction
No matter if you want to start with
welding fume extraction or to learn more about it ...
Download your free e-book now!