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We're here to serve your welding needs. Let us know what challenges you're having and how we can help! We'll gladly give you a no-hassle product assessment, schedule a free product demo, or get a quote or drawing for you to do a side by side comparison.
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ABICOR BINZEL USA & Worldwide Offices

650 Medimmune Court, Suite 110
Frederick, Maryland 21703
Sales | Customer Service | Manufacturing | Technical Support | R & D
Corporate Office: 301-846-4196
Toll-free: 800-542-4867
Fax: 301-846-4497

Alexander Binzel Schweisstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Kiesacker 7-9
35418 Buseck
Sales | Customer Service | Manufacturing | Technical Support | R & D
(+49) 64 08 / 59-0
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